Telegram Operating System (TVS)

TG.Systems introduces the Telegram Operating System (TVS), a revolutionary approach to server management that eliminates the need for third-party applications. TVS transforms your Telegram experience into a fully functional server management interface, allowing you to interact with your servers using intuitive visual elements. Rather than relying on traditional tools like PuTTY or MobaXterm, TVS enables you to manage servers directly from Telegram, using buttons and simple commands to perform complex tasks.

With TVS, you can control your infrastructure—whether it’s an RDP or SSH connection—directly through the chat interface. You can deploy servers, issue commands, and monitor performance without leaving Telegram. The platform’s visual elements make managing servers easy, even for users who may not have extensive technical experience. Buttons and real-time data displays simplify tasks such as connecting to a server, issuing terminal commands, and tracking server health.

Additionally, users can visit our website to see a live demo of how the Telegram Operating System works in real-time. It’s a seamless solution for anyone who wants to take control of their digital infrastructure without the hassle of external apps. You can rent servers and start using TVS immediately through our Telegram bot, streamlining your workflow and enhancing productivity.

Last updated